Toulouse Change Communication Conference (T3C): « Positive influence and lasting commitment: little secrets of the willing submission”

Speakers: This year, two special guests will speak: Robert-Vincent Joule, the French specialist of compelling communication and Pascal Marchand, director of the Lerass (Laboratory of Studies and Applied Researches in Social Sciences).

Changing is a matter of commitment: carrying weight on the ideas to change the behaviours is not enough, you must influence the behaviours to modify the ideas.


The principle of the compelling communication is to get people to act in order to convinced them of the usefulness of their action, so that they want to continue to make a lasting commitment for tomorrow’s world.  Which psychosociological mechanisms lead lastingly people from good intentions to good actions? How to get people freely doing what they have to for the common good? Which communication techniques help to improve lastly commitment of people?


Rachel Jouan is part of the steering committee of T3C.


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