For the past 10 years, Climate Adaptation Consulting has been leading territories, businesses and institutions to climate resilience.

Thanks to our great expertise and our ability to perform at all levels, we are a strong partner in all aspects of adaptation to climate change.
Discover the scope of our services through several case studies and missions.
Please contact us if you have questions or projects or are looking for partners.

Our projects

Clients | Service | Domain | Year | |
![]() | Pyrénées Orientales Departmental Council | Development of a cross-border methodology to elaborate a local adaptation plan to climate change and test this methodology with two pilot French municipalities. Show more The Ectadapt project enabled a cross-border collaboration for climate change adaptation in the Catalan area. As a result of increased awareness among municipalities, this mission is focused on the municipalities' independent development of their action plan. Therefore, a methodology and specific tools focused on local issues will be developped and tested. Our role: - Benchmark and analysis of tools and methods; - Design and organization of a participative workshop to determine the needs of the municipalities; - Design and writing of a methodology, including a handbook and a tool box; - Support-advice to pilot municipalities to produce their action plan and test the methodology; - Cross-border workshops. Close | Adaptation | 2019 |
![]() | Agence française de développement (AFD) | Urban and social prefeasibility study in Kinshasa districts near N’Djili River. Show more Ndanu, Abattoir and Salogon districts, located in the N'Djilli river valley, are regularly subject to flooding events because of anarchic urban development, chronic failure in waste management and the absence of drainage infractructure. The goal of the study is to provide a framework before investment aimed at improving waste management and increasing the resilience of the population, within the context of climate change. Our role: In charge of the vulnerability assessment to climate change, with a focus on floods and on the climate proofing of these projects: - Climate analysis (retrospective + climate change projections, focusing on extreme precipitation events and their impacts on floods); - Definition of vulnerability indicators and statistical analysis based on DHS questionnaires and inhabitants' flood experience feedback; - Coaching of local team in Kinshasa to conduct focus group discussions on inhabitants' flood experience feedback; - Development of a methodological framework to integrate climate change in investment decision making. Lead company: BURGEAP Close | Adaptation | 2019 2018 |
![]() | GIZ (German Development Agency) | Capacity building of governmental stakeholders involved in the National Climate Plan in Algeria. Show more Climate Adaptation Consulting supported Algerian stakeholders for the "Climate Proofing" of agriculture and forest sectors. The goal was to facilitate the integration of climate change in plans, projects and development strategies. Our role: - Methodological support and coaching of national consultants on the GIZ "Climate Proofing" method; - Support for the implementation of the Climate Proofing of Agriculture and Foress and the increase of capacity building among stakeholders - Development of training sessions on "Gender and adaptation" and "Best communication practices on climate change" Lead company: TEC Close | Adaptation, Stakeholders involvement | 2018 2017 |
![]() | Conseil Départemental des Pyrénées Orientales | Design of an educational exhibition on adaptation to climate change on the Paulilles Regional Park. Show more 'The aim of the project was to design an educational exhibition on adaptation to climate change in order to enhance visitors' awareness on local climate change impacts and inform on benefits of adaptation. Our role: - Interviews of local experts on water resources, flooding, erosion and submersion, biodiversity, fire risk and wine production to capitalize on their knowledge related to climate change vulnerability - Workshop to craft messages on local risks targeted to different audiences - Writing of texts, selection of a mascot to encourage visitors' contributions to adaptation... Close | Stakeholders involvement | 2018 2017 |
![]() | UNDP - United Nations Development Programme | Development of high resolution hydro-climate model or fostering cooperation on water management between the Palestinian, Israeli, and Jordanian water authorities. Show more After designing high-resolution hydro-climatic climate projections for Israel, Jordan and Palestine, the mission focused on the assessment of vulnerability to climate change for three sub-basins of each country. Our role: in charge of Palestinian and Jordanian sub-basins - Literature review of water and climate change issues in the Middle East; - Assessment of water resource vulnerability (agriculture, drinking water, ecosystems and extreme events) : development of impact chains, quantification of vulnerability indicators and identification of pathways for adaptation; - Design of workshops for shakeholders (Bedouins and department officials; - Capacity development : methodological guidelines and coaching for local consultants. Lead company: TEC Close | Adaptation, Stakeholders involvement | 2017 |
![]() | European commision | EU-Circle : A Pan-European framework for strenghtening critical infrastructures’ resilience to climate change. Show more EU Circle projects aims at improving the resilience of critical infrastructures to climate change. Our role: - Expertise service on vulnerability to climate change - Participation in the French case study related to the resilience of electricity and road networks to forest fire in the South of France - Reviewer of the UK case study - Literature review and recommendations related to adaptative management and pathway approaches on the framework of the EU Circle project Lead company: Artelia Close | Adaptation | 2018 2017 2016 |
![]() | AIRBUS | Several missions involving economic and environmental expertise Show more Climate Adaptation Consulting provided services involving economic and environmental expertise worldwide for: - Economic assessment of environmental externalities - Environmental regulation - Climate change impacts on business activities - Economic evaluation tools for environmental actions - Sociological assessement of perceptions and expectations regarding environmental issues. Close | Adaptation Environmental economics | 2017 2016 2015 2014 |
![]() | ADEME : Forest, alimentation and bioeconomics department | What risk for the agri-food sectors facing climate change ? Analysis of some French agricultural sectors, including the socio-economic aspect. Show more Agriculture is one of the first industries impacted by the consequences of climate change. This study aims to evaluate the risks and opportunities of some French agri-food sectors (from upstream to downstream) facing climate change, including the socio-economic aspect. Our role : Economic expertise - Participation in the development of a methodological framework for analysing economic and financial impacts of climate change on the agricultural sectors; - Application of the methodology on three agricultural sectors. Lead company: ACTERRA Close | Adaptation, Environmental economics | 2019 2018 |
![]() | Urban Community of Grand Paris Seine & Oise | Vulnerability assessment to climate change and adaptation plan for Grand Paris Seine & Oise. Show more The aim of the project is to assess the vulnerability to climate change of the Grand Paris Seine & Oise area, regarding different aspects : natural risks (floods, clay cracking), health (heat waves), urban planning, natural resources, transportation, economic activities, etc., and the idenfication of adaptation actions to address these impacts. A specific focus is on the "cost of inaction", especially using case studies about structural element of the area, such as the Seine as a resource for waterway transport, transportation networks and the automobile industry. This assessment will be used as a basis for the consulting on the urban community climate plan. Our role: - Contributing to the vulnerability assessment; - Organisation of a stakeholders workshop about climate change impacts, feedback about experience and vulnerability factors; - Assessment of cost of inaction for a selection of key aspects and case studies. Close | Adaptation, Environmental economics | 2018 |
![]() | Communauté de communes Coutances Mer et Bocages | Assistant to the Contracting authority for the development of local coastline management strategies, including climate change. Show more The project "Our future coastline" aims to support elected members from the seabord area to get their commitment to a sustainable and integrated management of the coastline. The objective is to anticipate climate change impacts on the West Cotentin coastline, over a 20-, 50- and 100-year time frame, by assessing the risks and development options of the coastline and backshore areas, considering the expectations of the population and thereby collectively devising a sustainable coastline management strategy. Our role : In charge of the economic aspect and stakeholder workshops - Expertise on " Climate change" for the entire project; - Identification and quantification of "value at risk" (population vulnerabilities, housing, infrastructure, agriculture and shellfish farming, tourism, natural habitats); - Definition and analysis of adaptation scenarios; - Cost-benefit analysis and multi-criteria analysis of adaptation options; - Workshops to share the assessment (4 "territorial" worshops, 150 people) and to collectively create coastline sustainable management scenarios (8 workshops). Close | Adaptation, Environmental economics, Shakeholders involvement | 2018 2017 2016 |
![]() | ADEME, Climate department | Strengthening of the "Objectif climat" process for the "selection of adaptation actions" Show more "Objectif Climat" is a tool designed to help local authorities to assess adaptation actions. This project aims to update this tool with a module dedicated to the selection of adaptation actions according to the principle of adaptative management. Our role: - Performing a literature review of adaptative management and decision making under uncertain conditions, focused on "adaptation pathways" approaches; - Identification and synthesis of the expectation and needs of potential users of the tool (interviews of local authorities); - Making recommendations for the development of the module. Close | Adaptation | 2018 2017 |
![]() | Communauté d’agglomération du Cotentin | Étude globale pour une gestion durable du littoral Est Cotentin. En savoir plus L'étude a pour objectif de permettre à la Communauté d'agglomération du Cotentin d'établir une politique de gestion durable de son littoral face aux risques côtiers. Rôle de CAC : En charge du volet économique de l'état des lieux des risques sur le littoral : - Analyse économique des enjeux exposés à la submersion marine - Evaluation du coût d’une submersion dans la perspective de mener des analyses coûts-bénéfices Mandataire : ANTEA Fermer | Economie de l'environnement | 2019 2018 |
![]() | ADEME, Climate department | Assistance for the promotion of best adaptation practices by French local authorities. Show more limate Adaptation Consulting elaborated fact sheets for best climate adaptation practices with the aim of rallying and raising awareness among local authorities. These best practices are included in the collection "They did it !", published by the ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency) Our role : - Collection and selection of 35 best adaptation practices from local French authorities - Bibliographic analysis, interviews with the project leaders and writing of fact sheet for each adpation practice - Technical advice for an educational video The files are available on: ademe The video "Climate is changing; local authorities are adapting" is available on: la vidéo Close | Adaptation au changement, Engagement des acteurs | 2017 2016 2015 |
![]() | ADEME, Climate department | Assistance for the design of the ADEME Climate Change Adaptation strategy. Show more In 2016, the ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency) updated its climate change adaptation strategy towards its targeted audience: local authorities, companies, researchers and the general public. Climate Adaptation Consulting provided general support for the process. Our role: - Management of the working group for updating the adaptation strategy (assembling 15 agents from all the services and management group of the ADEME): brainstorming sessions, co-construction of the main aspect of the strategy - Synthesis of results from the working groups - Support of the ADEME Climate departement to design a new adaptation strategy Close | Stakeholders involvement | 2016 |
![]() | Toulouse Airport | Engage airport stakeholders in a process aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving air quality. Show more Toulouse Aiport is engaged in a "Zero-emissions Airport" plan in order to improve air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. This plan poses a challenge because of the vast number and the diversity of stakeholders involved such as airlines, shops, car rental agencies and all airport services. Our role: - Design of engagement strategy - Conducting of workshops to elaborate a vision, an action plan and the name of the process using innovative techniques - Implementation of a pilot program of binding communication targeted to airline pilots to reduce emissions. Close | Stakeholders involvement | 2018 2017 |
![]() | ADEME Ile-de-France | Study for best communication practices on adaptation to climate change. Show more The ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency) wanted to improve its knowledge of the psycho-sociological framework related to communicating about climate change and to propose recommendations to better communicate to and engage stakeholders. Our role: - Benchmark and synthesis of psycho-sociological research on climate change communication - Recommendations on best climate change communication practices - Workshops on concepts and crafting of communication messages Lead company: Artelia Close | Stakeholders involvement | 2015 |
Case studies

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